Dues, Uniform and Important links


We apologize for any confusion that all the emails may have caused. We have restructured some things organizationally at Queens scouting to closer align to "volunteer essentials" guidelines from GS Council. Each troop will now handle their own funds, almost like a mini business. The great thing about this is that the girls can learn about fundraising, spending and saving. Here is breakdown of dues and expectations for the year:

$48.00  is due upfront for the entire year of activity

$10.00 of the 48 is for the 100 year anniversary t shirt that will be worn on certain field trips, camping trips, etc. Please fill out the order form and return with a check.

This will now replace the meeting dollar due you were bringing. You will not need
to remember that dollar each time. It’s a one-time fee upfront.

We will need full or partial payment ($24) by sept 29th. If you are making partial payment, the balance is due the first meeting in January.

Fundraising proceeds that the Juniors will raise can go to whatever they wish to save for...smaller camping trips, overnights, special badge work, etc. We will help guide them to what they wish to work for. The troop funds will pick up the cost of the pins and pin holders to be issued at the investiture ceremony later this year.

There is still a $12 registration fee that goes straight to Girl Scout Council. None of these monies go to our troop, but to the organization itself when you sign up your daughter for scouting.

If a family needs to qualify for financial assistance, please talk to one of the leaders after the meeting for a form.

This year we are asking families to purchase their daughter's uniform at the beginning of the year so they have it all year long.

Junior sashes are $7.00 and $7.50 for extra-long.
Girls vests are $17.75 or $18.25 for plus size.

You can shop on line and you can call in your order and tell them that Lisa Volpe will stop by to pick it up.  The phone number of the G.S. Shop is 312-416-2500, Ext. 227.  The website is www.girlscoutsgcnwi.org.  We would like to have the girls, at the very least, have their Journey book no later than October 13th, 2011.


The girls voted on the AMUSE journey for their badgework this year.

The Journey "Amuse" books are $7.00.   This can be purchased at  http://www.girlscoutshop.com/gsusaonline/GSProductDetails.aspx?ProductID=JUNIOR+aMUSE+JOURNEY+BOOK as well.

There is also a "Journey Pack for Juniors" available which I'm trying to get pricing, since pricing is not specifically stated on the website just yet.  It would include the book, a backpack, troop numerals, the American Flag patch, Council patch - it's a starter kit, which would be great for the girls who are just joining Juniors for the first time!